I have not written for quite some time and one of the reason being the 26/11 attack and followed by the mother of all scam coming from a firm which literally means truth and integrity.... May be I have grown cynical or may it is the reflection of the times we live in....
To start off, a miserably failed country in our neighbourhood manages to slaps a nation of a billion people on 26/11 and lo and behold ! what do we do after nearly 45 days of the shame... we just sit around creating dossiers (about god knows what) and showing supreme restraint to please Uncle Sam... did Uncle Sam showed that type of restraint when the twin towers came crashing down... No Sir... Never... they actually went all out to 'smoke out the rats out of their hole'.. where was this beautiful sermon about showing restraint and not escalating the situation...
I saw candle marches... people giving vent to their pent up anger.... the media goin all out to lambast the perpetrators.... but then what has come about out of all these... i guess we are pretty much in the same stage as we were before...things have cooled down a lot... frayed tempers have been allayed.. now we are focusing more on the golden globe award... or on whether Ghajini or Rab de is the best movie...
I guess as a nation we have some how grown used to calamities, disasters and loss of life.. for us lives in India are the cheapest commodity on the offer... we see umpteen scandals, ghotalas and scams each living day of ours which initially starts off with the front page of news papers only to be reduced to a small column (many years later) printed somewhere in the last page informing the audience that so and so scamster has gotten away scot free after so many years and wasting so much of taxpayers money...
talking about tax payers money, there is talk about governement rescuing Satyam from the current crisis.. all from yours and mine hard earned money.. for a firm which cheated the living daylight out of all stakeholders with so brazen a lie of such mammoth proportion that it will put the greatest liar on earth to shame... and all that the company does is to hold a press conference... and hold on.. its not to apologise to the common man whose faith they had betrayed but its about how to save their own skin and that of the company with no remorse shown on their face... and what happens next... the government comes rushing to rescue Satyam and the chief minster of the state making pleas with action plans on how it can be saved....
I just wonder if such leniency would have bee shown to a pickpocketer who is caught red handed on any given day...
strangely there has been a eerie silence from the political class regrading the Satyam crisis... such unequivocal support for the firm is unparallel in the history of Indian politics... cutting across party line all parties have kept mum on the situation... a BJP functionary who demanded a CBI probe was shooed down by his own party quite stringently... and the reason is for everybody to guess...
I think as a nation and the middle class which is one of the largest group that matters in India have somehow chose to have a selective amnesia about everything.. 'as long as it does not affect me why shud i stick my neck out'... That has been our motto of ours for ages... at the end we end up name calling the politician and start blaming everybody about the mess that we are in... I think as a class we the middle class have rarely asserted ourselves when it comes to giving direction in the march of a nation.. I just wonder how many of us vote when it comes to voting time... all of us avail of the chutti and go out bag packing to picnic... not strangely we get the leaders we deserve... hence let us not get irritated by politicians throwing shoes at each other.. or at a callous transport minister who smiles and cut jokes at a time when the transport strike has entered its 7Th day... coz for us everything is 'chalta hey yaar' till it does not affect us personally...
I guess a great reawakening needs to happen and more so in the middle class - that is us who should awake and realise that while we were asleep in the reverie and impression that it is not affecting us, the rot has gone so deep and wide that it now stands at our own door step and threatens to engulf us and our entire being... We 'll have to realise that in a democracy and a pluralistic society as ours we should get up and exercise our rights to ensure that not only our family is protected but that we initiate a process which will lead to ripple effect and engulf the entire nation leading to a brighter,safer, stronger, self resilient and happy India.... 'Let my great country awake in to that heaven of freedom' Amen
To start off, a miserably failed country in our neighbourhood manages to slaps a nation of a billion people on 26/11 and lo and behold ! what do we do after nearly 45 days of the shame... we just sit around creating dossiers (about god knows what) and showing supreme restraint to please Uncle Sam... did Uncle Sam showed that type of restraint when the twin towers came crashing down... No Sir... Never... they actually went all out to 'smoke out the rats out of their hole'.. where was this beautiful sermon about showing restraint and not escalating the situation...
I saw candle marches... people giving vent to their pent up anger.... the media goin all out to lambast the perpetrators.... but then what has come about out of all these... i guess we are pretty much in the same stage as we were before...things have cooled down a lot... frayed tempers have been allayed.. now we are focusing more on the golden globe award... or on whether Ghajini or Rab de is the best movie...
I guess as a nation we have some how grown used to calamities, disasters and loss of life.. for us lives in India are the cheapest commodity on the offer... we see umpteen scandals, ghotalas and scams each living day of ours which initially starts off with the front page of news papers only to be reduced to a small column (many years later) printed somewhere in the last page informing the audience that so and so scamster has gotten away scot free after so many years and wasting so much of taxpayers money...
talking about tax payers money, there is talk about governement rescuing Satyam from the current crisis.. all from yours and mine hard earned money.. for a firm which cheated the living daylight out of all stakeholders with so brazen a lie of such mammoth proportion that it will put the greatest liar on earth to shame... and all that the company does is to hold a press conference... and hold on.. its not to apologise to the common man whose faith they had betrayed but its about how to save their own skin and that of the company with no remorse shown on their face... and what happens next... the government comes rushing to rescue Satyam and the chief minster of the state making pleas with action plans on how it can be saved....
I just wonder if such leniency would have bee shown to a pickpocketer who is caught red handed on any given day...
strangely there has been a eerie silence from the political class regrading the Satyam crisis... such unequivocal support for the firm is unparallel in the history of Indian politics... cutting across party line all parties have kept mum on the situation... a BJP functionary who demanded a CBI probe was shooed down by his own party quite stringently... and the reason is for everybody to guess...
I think as a nation and the middle class which is one of the largest group that matters in India have somehow chose to have a selective amnesia about everything.. 'as long as it does not affect me why shud i stick my neck out'... That has been our motto of ours for ages... at the end we end up name calling the politician and start blaming everybody about the mess that we are in... I think as a class we the middle class have rarely asserted ourselves when it comes to giving direction in the march of a nation.. I just wonder how many of us vote when it comes to voting time... all of us avail of the chutti and go out bag packing to picnic... not strangely we get the leaders we deserve... hence let us not get irritated by politicians throwing shoes at each other.. or at a callous transport minister who smiles and cut jokes at a time when the transport strike has entered its 7Th day... coz for us everything is 'chalta hey yaar' till it does not affect us personally...
I guess a great reawakening needs to happen and more so in the middle class - that is us who should awake and realise that while we were asleep in the reverie and impression that it is not affecting us, the rot has gone so deep and wide that it now stands at our own door step and threatens to engulf us and our entire being... We 'll have to realise that in a democracy and a pluralistic society as ours we should get up and exercise our rights to ensure that not only our family is protected but that we initiate a process which will lead to ripple effect and engulf the entire nation leading to a brighter,safer, stronger, self resilient and happy India.... 'Let my great country awake in to that heaven of freedom' Amen
Thought provoking write-up Imtiaz. We have somehow been able to showcase ourselves as a country of loosers when it comes to the matter of national security. Forget about words like nationalism and patriotism. At each and every level corruption rules. We are happy at being patted by the international community because of our tolerance and feel happier to reiterate dialogues like "hum ugrawadion ko unki napak maqsad mein kamyaab nahin hone denge" / "hum dushmanon ko muhtod jawab denge" etc. etc. Whenever I hear these rotten lines from our 'netas', I remember the last few lines of a poem written by a famous Hindi poet Nirala Ji - "Kshama shobhti us bhujang ko jiske pas garal ho; Usko kya jo dantheen, vishheen, vinit, saral ho". Our reactions towards the terror stikes all through the years prove only one thing - we are dantheen, vishheen, vinit, saral ......... we just bark and dont bite ever !!! On the other hand, we jump to the opportunity of saving a corrupt organisation like Satyam. Over the past few days I have heard people, the so called educated, learned, intellectual ones among us trying to glorify what Mr. Raju has done. They dont have the brains to understand or they are part of the same corrupt class of people !!! Whats wrong is always wrong. If you glorify the deeds of Satyam and Raju, then LeT and Kasav deserve the same glorification for bringing happiness to numerous people across the world who support this inhuman act of so called Zihaad.
Dear Imitaz Bhai,
You have explained several issues and concern and present statsus of post 26/11. This is fact that as usually our Hon'ble Ex. Home Minister after every horified Bomb blast used to say people that we have to be more patient to face such challenges and we need to be united to fight against anti-nationalist. Present External Affairs Minister has been playing (he has recorded) - we have been requesting Pakistan to take action against anti-indian aliments in Pakistan soil. Almost the issue has gone to cold storage and there is an attempt to varnish it before upcoming election.
All politicans have completely understood, what we illterate, individualistc and short-memory indians. Therefore, they give some comments and later on before they forget, we (citizens) forget.
Hot - topic bailout, this really disharten me verymuch. Private industies had come up in their own and demanded no involvement of state, in fact it happened. They got heavy profits (50%/ 100% ........) and started hiring people giving fat salary, which is more than 550 times of the income of a BPL family in india. Then they neither shared profit with people/ state nor involved governement in their management. After their own mistake either ECONOMIC Crisis or Corruption or Corporate Governance, they have been crying for govenrment's support and requesting bailout of some thousand crore. In India, tribals are thrown out of thier houses without adequate rehabilitation as govermnent doesn't have money; so many children have dropped out from school as government unable to provide quality infrastucture and hire permanent teacher (all they hire Rs 1000- Rs 1500/ month teachers, which is lower than a BPL family in india) as it doesn't have money. I am surprised that how our politicians get money now. This is supporting rich people to rich. As i believe in india, we have only two caste/ religion/ group and class - one is rich and another is poor. There is no poor, who can oppose this as everything has been controlled by few rich.
Now time has come, poor and middle class families should wake up rather than waiting these senseless polticians and media. Get into politics from grass root level and take control over. Then they will take the decision/ rule as they need.
I think its a lengthy reaction. Hopefully we all educated inculding graduate from rural/ backward regions, need to comeforward to change the face of politics in the country.
totally agree with you Shubhra and sanjay... As a nation we have some how gotten used to being kicked around and not reacting in a manner which will address the moot issue...and these are the reasons why the political class have used us to the hilt... I remeber one article by P.Sainath in which he says that for us loss of few lives do not bother us but the image of India Inc. being tainted (due to such loss) in front of the so called developed nation is what keeps us awake the whole night. I think if we are so aggressive in our process of development then one day we may disown our own people who die out of hunger and poverty for the shake of "India Shining'.
Hey, its really an awakening post...really we people keep on forgettig these grave social issues and just mind our own business and tend to be normal till everything is normal with us and our family and near and dear ones! This message needs to spread everywhere so that we people can come together to make a difference!
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