Yesterday I went to one of the shopping mall named City Centre at Banjara Hills, Hyderabad (incidentally the only shopping mall which I have visited the max. till date). The reason for my oft drop at the mall is the "Crossword" shop which has an extensive collection of books, DVDs and C.Ds. Yesterday I went in for the first time with a deliberate intention of not buying any new books coz my list of unread books have gone up in the last few months as I have not been able to do any serious reading...
With such an intention I entered "Crossword" and immediately headed for the DVD et al section... I had planned for buying some cool Hollywood Action movie or some romantic movie which I can watch with my love... However there was not much that could really attract my attention and hold me interested as it was all run of the mill flick which I either have in my small library or can see over the cable... Disinterested I switched to the music category and found some great gazals from the movies by Jagjit Singh which I wanted to buy but alas.... it all turned out to be audio C.Ds whereas I wanted visual treat...
Disheartened, I moved to other Sections... Children Cartoons... devotional music... CDs of Television serials.. et al et al... That's where it caught my attention...
In the corner selves, stacked neatly were the entire collection of my favourite serial "Malgudi days" being brought out by Big Home Video... I just sat down there and then and began to rummage through the piles... Looking at the series and reading the episodes brought back nostalgic memories of how Swami and his friends used to be an integral part of our childhood and how we will all wait for the serial to be broadcast in DD (I think it was on a Friday)... Malgudi Days and the rich haunting melody of its title song still reminds all of us of the good ol' days...
So now I have a whole collection of "Malgudi Days" with me which I will start watching from today and be transported back to the golden era when I was still a child....
Till then the books can wait...
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