The 1st decade of Y2K has come and gone. I still remember the hype and hoopla that Y2K brought on its wake... The whispered conspiracy of the invisible hand hijacking the entire Internet highway with the Y2K bug... or the forecast of Doomsday with the advent of the year 2000... I think all the forecast, foreboding and misgiving was proved to be yet another mild tremor threatening to derail normal life in the long history of mankind...
The last 10 years have been eventful in the history of the world, more so in the case of India and more so for me individually...
The last 10 years has seen the world come more closer due to information and technology and the axiom of Global Village has never been truer than at present... where distances have been compressed in to kilo and megabytes of data flying through the information super highway at the speed of light... bringing lives closer... making sharing of joy as easy as a click of a mouse or a button... never ever man has felt so close and so loved as in the last decade.. it was also a decade which stirred the fear of self and that of others in man.. as terrorism raised its ugly head and manifested itself with all its fury globally... people huddled close to each other and those affected leaned on shoulders of strangers to cry on and trusting them to provide them succor... bringing home the truth that there is none bigger a religion than humanity and none better unifier than human empathy and love for each other... we have learnt to be patient, empathetic, willing to understand each other and the individual perspective... all along willing to prove to the minority of those who nurture hatred the fact that its love, compassion and understanding which sways the majority of humanity which indeed shall ensure the survival of human being as a race...
Closer home, India as a country matured and graduated gradually to claim its rightful position in the league of nations.... its maturity as a democracy and a secular country has been phenomenal in the last one decade where the silent billion have again proved to the world that it has the capability, the resilience as well the will power to hold itself together as a country which was written off time and again by all and sundry as the most unlikelihood in the concept of a nation... but time and again the nation as a whole has risen to the challenge and proved why this glorious country continues to exist since time immemorial in the face of such adverse force and circumstances which it faces from time to time.. as a nation in the last one decade we have not only been able to consolidate our economic growth but also we were able to redefine the extent of equity in the shared wealth of a nation more emphatically.... we saw our political geography and context undergoing a paradigm shift and a nation opting people as leaders on criteria which was purely based on performance and the ability to deliver setting aside narrow consideration of caste, religion, regionality etc aside... we also saw our political leaders more candid and forthcoming in admitting to their failings and willing to reform... true the transition has not been perfect or ideal but augurs well for the time to come when we will hopefully have a clean political system...
On the personal front too I saw myself transition from a world of fixed opinions, narrow perspective and possibilities to one of wider opinions, empathetic perspective and an energy which saw a wider array of possibility that I can do with my life and in the process the improvement I can bring in the lives of others... Post TISS I developed the habit of listening and empathising along with the habit of understanding others perspective and context before jumping to any conclusion... I also see a paradigm shift in the overall development of various people skills in me as I reached out to people from various walks of life and worked with them with ease and comfort ensuring result oriented outcomes... I realised that it is still possible to be good and finish first and also the fact that we do not need to step on people on our climb up the ladder... As I achieved satisfaction at professional front, I was blessed at the personal front in providence helping me to find a life partner who is not only caring, understanding and lovable; but also finding in her a soul mate who is a true companion in the journey of my life...
As we at a global, national and personal level look forward to the next decade with hopes and aspiration, we must remember that it is the indefatigable nature of human spirit combined with a spirit of compassion, understanding and love which will keep us all going in years, decades, centuries and millenia to come..
For Oceans Rise, Cities Fall but Hope Survives.......
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