It has been a long time since I blogged last... seems like ages when I did so. Well here is to inform everybody that I am back!
For sometime I have been fascinated by a common trend that I ahve seen in almost all cities that I have visited. I have found the Oriya people ruling the roost in preparing mouth watering delicacies and cuisines. In the begining I blamed it on my Oriya bias and leaning for anything Oriya. But things got quite overwhelming when I saw small restaurants in not so big towns like Adilabad, Bhimavaram etc in the state of A.P. showing a similar trend. Besides most of the restaurants in Hyderabad also has majority of its cooking and other staffs who hail from Orissa.
I was quite taken up by surprise in Adilabad where I had gone for starting of my new project. For dinner we went to a decent loking restaurant and were ushered in by the head waiter. Once we were made to sit then i heard the magical word... ' arrey aeithi pani aani ki dey''... (arrey bring water here..). I was completely taken aback. I never expected to hear Oriya in this far flung remote area of Adilabad... Upon interaction with the staff, I came to know that all the hotel staff hailed from different part of Orissa. What was more surprising that all the subsequent day when we had our meals in fifferent parts of the town, the staff invariably turned out to be Oriya.
Back during my childhood, I would hear stories from my grandama how people used to travel from Orissa on bullock cart and on foot to Kolkata and Patna in search of a livelihood and how an Oriya cook (famously called as 'Nana') was famous in rich households of the bengalis.
Although I donot know of any study or documented evidence of the given trend, but I ma sure it will yield a rich trasure for sociologist and anthropologist to study and find out the reason behind it. It would be inetresting to know such aetiology and also its broad imapct on the state of Orissa and its people.
For sometime I have been fascinated by a common trend that I ahve seen in almost all cities that I have visited. I have found the Oriya people ruling the roost in preparing mouth watering delicacies and cuisines. In the begining I blamed it on my Oriya bias and leaning for anything Oriya. But things got quite overwhelming when I saw small restaurants in not so big towns like Adilabad, Bhimavaram etc in the state of A.P. showing a similar trend. Besides most of the restaurants in Hyderabad also has majority of its cooking and other staffs who hail from Orissa.
I was quite taken up by surprise in Adilabad where I had gone for starting of my new project. For dinner we went to a decent loking restaurant and were ushered in by the head waiter. Once we were made to sit then i heard the magical word... ' arrey aeithi pani aani ki dey''... (arrey bring water here..). I was completely taken aback. I never expected to hear Oriya in this far flung remote area of Adilabad... Upon interaction with the staff, I came to know that all the hotel staff hailed from different part of Orissa. What was more surprising that all the subsequent day when we had our meals in fifferent parts of the town, the staff invariably turned out to be Oriya.
Back during my childhood, I would hear stories from my grandama how people used to travel from Orissa on bullock cart and on foot to Kolkata and Patna in search of a livelihood and how an Oriya cook (famously called as 'Nana') was famous in rich households of the bengalis.
Although I donot know of any study or documented evidence of the given trend, but I ma sure it will yield a rich trasure for sociologist and anthropologist to study and find out the reason behind it. It would be inetresting to know such aetiology and also its broad imapct on the state of Orissa and its people.
good travelouge...more is expected
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